Monday, September 7, 2009


Summer has faded away in such a way that has left me smiling sincerely and wistfully. It was a fun set of months complete with much questioning, soul-searching, and discovering. I didn't hold a job all throughout the summer, a source of stress and frustration, but I did manage to sort through some of the confusion surrounding the chaos I sent my religious beliefs into. That sorting of thought led me to better understand what exactly I am feeling and what I am truly seeking.

But more on that later.

How do I feel? Intensely curious, joyful, peaceful, optimistic, and energetic. I find so much peace in all that I do. I find this in self-discovery, at work, during school, working on homework, and in my downtime. In everything I do a feeling of peace and joy seems to permeate my life! I don't mean a kind of manic or high intensity but one that leaves me without stress, darkness, or frustration. Sure, I feel down at times. But my recovery has become so quick that I can now admit that I am happy more often that I am sad. That is truly wonderful!

To avoid this whole joy-fest, I'll stop now. But I wanted to post this in further documentation of the change in my life.

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